Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 25, 2009

Chase went potty!!! September has been a very busy month for our boy. We have adjusted for the most part to his big boy bed, he gave up naps pretty much cold turkey(not by Mom or Dad's choice) and now insists on using the toilet like Daddy does. So tonight, we put him in front of the toilet before his bath just to see what would happen.... I can't figure out how to rotate this pic, but as you can see, he was awful proud of himself after going potty.
Chase helped make little pizzas for lunch one day

Here he is showing off his new Christmas PJ's. A little early to celebrate we know, but the PJ's were too cute not to enjoy!

Grandma and Papa got this fun table for Chase. He loves to eat his meals here, but I have learned it might not be the best for crafts and coloring. My dining room wall is now a beautiful shade of bright orange thanks to our sweet boy.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chase enjoys helping Daddy water the plants.

Here is Chase playing T-Ball with his beach balls. Chase had his first trip to Baskin Robbins today.

Chase helping make pancakes

This kid loves BOOTS!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Evergreen Fair

We took Chase to the fair for the first time last week. He followed this turtle around for a long time.
The petting zoo.

This chicken won first place at the fair. I'm not sure why, but just thought it was one weird looking bird, so I had to take a picture of it.

This is Chase playing hide and seek. He hides here 99% of the time.

We have Aunt Linda to thank for the 200 wooden foam peices in our living room! Chase thinks they're a blast.